Radical Results:
Imagineering Performance & Excellence for a Thriving, Future-Fit Life & Business
Significant & Measurable
High Performance & Excellence...
Where Your Challenges become Measurable, Radical Results through Bespoke Solutions.
Our ApproAch
Powered by our unique and innovative Art & Science Symphony Methodology, we implement these solutions through our 100-Day Radical Results Methodology. This proven, strategic, results-driven framework ensures that every client experiences Radical, Measurable, Significant Results fast, effectively, and efficiently.
What sets Radical Results apart?
At Radical Results, we don't follow trends, chase fads, or sell empty promises and illusions. The world is drowning in quick-fix solutions that overpromise and underdeliver, leaving people disappointed, frustrated, stuck, and worse off than before. We refuse to be part of that noise.
Fundamental Transformation, Performance, and Excellence that are bespoke, Future-Fit, and robust to be agile and remain effective in our fast-paced and forever-changing environments are not found in pop-a-pill promises or silver-bullet gimmicks. It's imagineered, meaning, crafted with intent, engineered through science, evidence-based research, strategy, and with relentless dedication and commitment to sustainable and thriving success.
We cut through the clutter, exposing what doesn't work and delivering bespoke, significant, measurable, Future-Fit Solutions that stand the test of time.
If you are ready to break free from the cycle of hype, disappointment, wasted effort and money and step into a world where radical, lasting, and innovative, agile and thriving solutions are the standard, then you are in the right place.
Welcome to Radical Results where Transformation, High Performance, Excellence, and Powerful Bespoke Solutions are real, innovative, significant, and agile to remain effective and meaningful in a constantly changing environment, measurable, and built & implemented to last.
You deserve more than just coping or merely surviving in agony!
Deep down, you know there must be a better way, even when everybody else (and most days your spirit, too!) is convinced you are doomed to suffer, and there is no solution for you.
This is it! This is what you were consistently praying for...
The INPowered WellBeing Program is your answer to prayers!
We know... You tried every diet, you visited and spent vast amounts of money on specialist health professionals and their treatments, protocols, pills, injections, and promises, yet, ... You are worse off than when it all started....
You quite rightly so, sceptically (and by the way, you should be sceptical and pray for Holy Spirit discernment!), ask what makes this program and promise different.
This program is different from anything and everything else you might have tried until now. First of all, everything we do is based on Kingdom Principles. Secondly, YHVH Rapha is the only Healer. Elohim created us perfect in His Image. He created a wonderful body with resilience and a magnificent self-healing mechanism that we must unlock.
The INPowered WellBeing Program is a science-backed, evidence-proven Journey from frustration to freedom and from suffering to Thriving Optimal WellBeing by unlocking this magnificent self-healing mechanism.
No more guessing... No more dead-ends... No more empty promises with no science-backed and evidence-based protocols, treatments, or promises.
What makes The INPowered WellBeing Program powered by Radical Results different?
We start your Journey to Thriving Optimal WellBeing by doing a scientific root cause analysis before crafting your bespoke RoadMap to Thriving Health and Optimal WellBeing. We do NOT participate in unethical ways of merely suppressing symptoms that we all know cause more and more severe side effects so that we can sell you more commercially viable (for us) treatments and keep you in a downward spiral of quicksand, deeper and deeper into a big black hole of suffering, despair, loneliness, and being the victim of only other people's financial gain..
Imagine ... Waking up every day feeling energised, rejuvenated, and focused, with the joy and vitality to contribute meaningfully to your loved ones' lives, communities, environment, and the world.
Imagine ... Being in complete control of your health and wellbeing.
Imagine ... Being free from the endless cycle of trial and error and being the victim of life and other people's financial gain.
Imagine ... Being free from suffering, pain (mental and physical), disease, illness, and a consistent, ever-increasing downward spiral of ill-health, despair, and no solutions.
Imagine ... A personalised RoadMap for immediate implementation, designed for YOU ...
Imagine ... A Restored and Regenerated body...
Imagine ... Third-party, impartial, independent, objective, and scientific-based blood tests and health-measurement reports testifying your Radical Results ...
Imagine ... A Reignited, Thriving, Purposeful Life where you make YOUR Dreams a Reality ...
The only thing standing between you and a Thriving, Purposeful Life of Joy and Vitality is your decision to take Action NOW!
Dr Illona E Wilken
Dr Illona E Wilken is the visionary or aptly named NeuroArchitect spearheading Radical Results, a pioneering initiative at the intersection of neuroscience, health intelligence, and high-performance and excellence strategies. Illona continuously craft unique and pioneering BreakTHROUGH Solutions for her NeuroVANTGUARDTM client base.
NeuroVANTGUARDTM was eloquently imagineered by Illona from known concepts like Avant Garde, Savant, and Vanguard blended with the NeuroScientific approach. Every initiative and solution is purposely designed and crafted through a Symphony of Art & Science Methodology. This is where her gifted Art of crafting bespoke, agile, and sustainable solutions meet Science and Evidence-based proven research, data fused beyond knowledge into wisdom and verifiable TRUTHS.
With an extensive successful background in business, commerce, strategic business performance turnarounds, large-scale organisational transformation projects, program- and project management, neuroscience, functional & restorative medicine, as a specialist physician in stress, burnout, and all chronic diseases, and health sciences, she architects agile, Future-Fit solutions designed to drive human potential and businesses from SMMEs to large international corporations to unprecedented performance and excellence levels.
As a thought leader in radical, agile, and sustainable individual and business performance & excellence, Illona applies cutting-edge neuroscience to optimise cognitive function and mental agility, instil radical mindset shifts, and holistic health intelligence sciences together with proven and science-based commerce and business science into sustainable and bespoke Future-Fit Solutions for corporate and individual clients. Meticulously and with dedication & commitment to ensure Radical, measurable, and significant Results for individuals, professionals, and businesses to achieve precision performance & excellence and exponential growth. She does this as a passion, not a job or assignment. Illona believes she is called by Elohim to do this as her Calling and Purpose on earth, and in so doing bring Glory to Him.
In her pursuit of breakthrough solutions, Illona collaborates with a network of specialist NeuroArchitects, bringing in top-tier expertise when necessary to craft tailored, research-backed, and results-driven interventions. This adaptive and interdisciplinary approach positions Radical Results as a leader in pioneering High-Performance and Excellence in WellBeing and Future-Fit Business Solutions.
A few of her formal qualifications, relevant to mention, are:
PhD Specialist Physician (specialising in Stress, Burnout, and all Chronic Diseases)
MD cum laude (Functional & Restorative Medicine)
MCom cum laude
Post Graduate Diploma cum laude in Program and Project Management
BA (Mathematics & Psychology)
NeuroScience Practitioner
Information Medicine Practitioner